Outside of personal demonstrations, videos can tell so much about what you can expect from a quality protector. Videos can showcase a dog's strengths, and equally important, can also demonstrate huge handicaps in a protector, training issues, and "coverups" a trainer might make to make a dog appear more dependable and stable than him/her truly is.
At Top Shelf, we intentionally video our protectors to accurately demonstrate what your protector is trained for, capable of, secure in any environment. We film in public spaces, around strangers, children, livestock, other dogs, distractions, and with new and experienced handlers. Videos aim to show obedience, handlers of various age groups, protection without equipment or electronic shock collars, not overly staged scenarios, or overly blatant unrealistic threats.
Our videos are not flashy, they are accurate. This might be seen as a disadvantage vs flashy competitors, yet we feel is is one of our strongest advantages. The videos we take are transparent, accurate, and realistic. They show the expertise in both the training and the ability of each protector. They are a tool for potential clients to feel confident in their decision to work with Top Shelf, and the protector they might have the pleasure to be protected by.
3 years old, super social, good with animals and kids.
Obedience in crowded city streets, protection with children, etc
Obedience, protection, performance